Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So, J is on a nap strike again. He went through this in December, but has consistently napped daily for at least 6 weeks. Two days in a row have been no nap days. I need him to take naps. J needs his naps. I need the break. He needs the sleep. The only good to come of the nap strike is that he goes to bed earlier at night and he sleeps a bit (not much, but a bit) longer in the morning. However, he is such a bear without his naps. Short of knocking him out, though, there is nothing I can do about it. Kids are so dumb. I would love to be able to take a nap every single day. I did when I was pregnant and it was heavenly. Naps are awesome.

1 comment:

Multislacking Mama said...

I am a world championship gold medalist napper. I don't understand why kids dont' want to nap. It's my favorite thing to do.

I get in the bed and waller around until I fall asleep.

Wallering= lolling around on the couch, bed, floor, wrestling with your siblings, dogs wrestling with one another.

Dog Wallers- sheets you put on your couch so that your dog does not shed on your couch.

Does this help?
