Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Good Things

I'm depressed today. I haven't felt this down in quite some time. I've been down since Friday. All I wanted to do last weekend was sleep. I thought it was cuz my thirtieth birthday was on Monday. I AM bummed about being 30. There is something different about being in my thirties as opposed to my twenties. But now my birthday has passed and I am still down. So, to try to lift my mood, I am going to list five happy things.

1. Jonathan. Jonathan and the potty. My boy is getting it. He really is! He finally pooped in the potty yesterday and today. I think it's finally clicked for him. Thank God. I was SO sick of cleaning poop out of underwear. That is nasty. People that cloth diaper their kids are much more tolerant of poop than I am apparently.

2. Kensington. Kensington and the Exersaucer. My girl loves it. We finally broke it out yesterday and within a few minutes, she had figured out how to turn to check out the other toys. Smart, smart girl. Since she loves to stand so much, the Exersaucer is her new best friend. The poor Bumbo has been replaced. The Bumbo is now her second best friend. But who wants to sit when one can stand?!

3. It's summer! That means longer days and that definitely lifts my mood. It also means being able to go to the park, the pool, and the freedom of not wearing a dozen layers. That's one shitty thing about Wisconsin winters. In order to go anywhere, you must dress in layers. That means much bundling of myself and my offspring. It also means warming the car up before we go anywhere. Said layers are then removed as we are in the car and then replaced when we get to our destination. Once inside, remove layers again. Before departure, replace layers. Repeat. PITA if you ask me. Now the most my kids need is a hat and some sunscreen and we're good to go!

My bad mood is making it impossible for me to think of any more. Hmmm....

How about some pics instead?

Here is Jonathan riding his new bike that replaced the one that was stolen. (Thanks Gramma and Pop-Pop!):

Here is my sassy girl, enjoying her Exersaucer:

My kids are gorgeous. I know.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I don't wanna...

J cracks me up. He is so negative these days. We will ask him to do something and he will reply, "I don't wannna [insert request]". It's I don't wanna go to bed, I don't wanna wash my hands, etc. Lately it's been that he doesn't wanna go potty.


J is doing awesome with his potty training. No accidents for days now. However, he refuses to poop in the potty. He's done it. But he'll hold it in. He'll say, "I gotta go poop." We'll tell him to go poop and he'll say, "I don't wanna go poop." Who cares if you want to? If you gotta go, then frickin' go! Anyway, he now holds it in until after he goes to bed at night. He'll then go in his diaper. When I go to check to see why he hasn't fallen asleep yet, I will discover he's pooped. It's beyond frustrating.

Anyway, the other night he and I were in the living room. I was tired and crabby at that point cuz it had been a long day. This was our conversation:

J: I gotta go poop.

Me: Then go poop.

J: I don't wanna go poop.

Me: If you need to poop, go poop.

J: But I don't wanna go poop.

Me: Just go poop, J!

J: I don't wanna go poop!

Me: I don't give a shit!

J: I don't wanna I don't give a shit!

I lost it. I totally cracked up. That was the first time he's ever said a swear word and he had no clue what he was saying. Too cute.