Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sorry for the absence

I have been horrible about blogging. I don't think anyone actually reads or cares, but I just thought I would apologize anyway.

J is good. He is a three-year-old and that's about all I have to say about that.

Kensie will be one in ten days! Where did this year go? Gad, she will be a toddler. However, Kensie is teeny-tiny. She looks more like an eight or nine-month-old than an almost one-year-old. So, that makes her a baby.

I know nothing else. It is damn cold here in NE Wisconsin. I am sick of cold. I am sick of winter. Just three or so more months til spring!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas is done, it's the New Year, and now what?

We had an awesome Christmas this year. J was so into it. He ripped into his gifts, anxiously awaited Santa's arrival, left a sandwich and milk out for the big guy, and was so excited about the whole thing. Yes, there were meltdowns, but those are expected. J got the three things he wanted the most: Helmet Heroes, Candy Land Castle, and GeoTrax Grand Central Station. Kensie liked the boxes.

Chris and I dealt with the stomach flu that plagued both J and Kensie. We ended up missing out on Christmas with the in-laws (boo).

I am ready for things to return to normal. I have lost track of the days. I need pre-school and other regular events to break up the week for me.

We also had the pleasure of meeting our new nephew on New Year's Day. Chris' sister and her husband have been trying to adopt for years. After a failed adoption, they finally got their baby. Micah is from Ethiopia. He is beautiful, sweet, and a wonderful addition to our family.