Monday, December 22, 2008

December is like September

We are having one of those months. September was full of sickness and a broken bone. December is full of sickness as well. Luckily, no broken bones thus far. (Knock on wood.) Poor J has had the pukies twice this month. He was so sick over the weekend that he had to get IV fluids at the hospital. It was horrible to see him poked. J has my veins and I have my mom's veins. They don't branch out where they are supposed to and they are hard to find. J had to be poked ten times and he blew one vein. It got to the point where he didn't even fight and struggle anymore. I don't know if he gave up or if he was just too exhausted. He fell asleep as the nurse was flushing the IV once she finally got it in. He slept with people talking and the bright ER lights shining on him. It was traumatic to see him hooked up to an IV. I thank God that my kids are healthy. He was rewarded with this toy from Gramma and Pop-Pop. Spoiled.

I finally uploaded pictures from Kensie's baptism. She wore the dress that I wore when I was baptized and that J wore when he was baptized. Here we are:

This is J with our tree. Yes, my boy is only in underwear. Since his favorite outfit is his birthday suit, I feel happy that he is in his undies.

And this is J and me (photgraphed by me):

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Big Guy

We took the kids to visit Santa last week. Just so you know; we have the Santa at our mall. He is the real deal, all the way from the North Pole. I had no idea what to expect. Kensie has such stranger anxiety and three-year-olds are a wee bit unpredictable. I decided I wanted a picture no matter what. We got up to the front of the line, I plopped Kensie on one knee and J on the other. Kensie turned to see who was holding her and I expected a breakdown. But guess what? Nothing. I was so surprised. Here is the picture that we got:

Kensie was baptized on Sunday. It went well. J had his school Christmas concert on Sunday as well. I was so bummed. The would not allow flash photography and our video camera wasn't working. However, the school videotaped the concert, so I will have to purchase a copy. J did really well and looked so handsome.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Look Mom!

My kid cracks me up. He always comes up with the most random stuff. He had pre-school this morning. When I got him out of the van, he noticed something.

Tangent here for those that live in warm climates. In case you didn't know, Wisconsin gets snow. A lot of it. So far this year we have had over a foot. Snow gets caught in the wheel wells of vehicles and dirt and road debris gets caught up in it. Most people kick the stuff off in parking lots because it can make turning difficult if it gets too thick. Or it just falls off eventually.

So, I got J out of the van and he exclaimed, "Look Mom! Poop!" and pointed at a big clump of brown snow. I had to explain to him that no, that is not poop. We have had talks about not eating yellow or brown snow and I went over that with him again.

Once he was in his classroom, he ran over to his teacher. He said, "You not have poop outside. It just brown snow." She didn't know what to think.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Having an inner struggle

I have been down and crabby the last couple of days. I made a major life decision about a year ago and now am second guessing myself. I wish life were more black and white. I wish that I had a crystal ball so I could see my future. I wish that I knew for certain if I did the right thing. I hate this feeling.

Friday, December 5, 2008

We have the sickies....again

J is puking today. Gah. This is the THIRD time since school started. He is miserable. I am miserable. I am worried. Six pukes in less than three hours. No pee since 9:00 last night. I want to call the ped, but Chris says to wait. For what?

I wish for some Xanax.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Need Help

Seriously. J is making me nuts these days. He is SO naughty. He talks back. He's defiant. He gets into things. He hits. He bites. I thought these were behaviors that I could expect out of a one-year-old. But at three?

In the past week, he has sprayed half of a can of Lysol all over the bathroom, dumped all of the CD's onto the living room floor, gotten into the changing table and emptied two boxes of Q-tips all over his floor, pushed his sister, hit his sister, hit me, hit Chris, pulled the dogs' tails, squirted Desitin on his arms, bitten everyone in the family, thrown more tantrums than I thought humanly possible....

It's never-ending. I am exhausted. I am over-whelmed. I don't know what to do with him anymore. I can honestly understand why people beat their children. I have self-control and will not beat him, but I can see why some people lose it.

Plus the child has decided that he doesn't need an afternoon nap anymore. He is a kid that NEEDS a nap. He is such a bear without it. But he has only taken one in the past couple of weeks. I still make him go in his room, but he's in and out a million times. I cannot fully relax because I am still dealing with him. I need my break during the day.

I am at the end of my rope.