Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

I hate rain. I hate mud. I hate all that comes from the rain and the mud. I have given up on cleaning my kitchen floor until the rain stops. My dogs are determined to track in as much mud as possible.

I want Kensie to walk. I am sick of watching her crawl on the floor. It's so gross. Oh, and for the record, she isn't allowed in the kitchen, so she isn't crawling through the doggy prints. Plus, I am tired of carrying her everywhere. Walk, kid. Just don't take as long as your brother did. J was 18 months before he finally decided to walk. I want Kensie to walk before summer. No crawling at the park, thank you very much.

I feel blah these days. Very blah. I need a friend. I have friends, but I don't have friends. I have no one to confide in and I have so much bubbling inside me. I feel like I am going to break very, very soon.

I need opinions. Does Kensie need bangs? I think she has a big forehead and needs them, but I don't want to cut her hair and I don't want to deal with the hassle of bangs. So, does she need them?

Not a great shot, but this is Kensie with hair on her forehead:

Kensie with no bangs:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


So, J is on a nap strike again. He went through this in December, but has consistently napped daily for at least 6 weeks. Two days in a row have been no nap days. I need him to take naps. J needs his naps. I need the break. He needs the sleep. The only good to come of the nap strike is that he goes to bed earlier at night and he sleeps a bit (not much, but a bit) longer in the morning. However, he is such a bear without his naps. Short of knocking him out, though, there is nothing I can do about it. Kids are so dumb. I would love to be able to take a nap every single day. I did when I was pregnant and it was heavenly. Naps are awesome.