I can't believe how long it's been since I last blogged. So much has happened. I am not going to go back and write about everything. Just the important stuff.
The biggest thing is, of course, our little girl. Kensington Leigh was born on February 8. She was born via repeat c-section. I developed pre-eclampsia again and was put on bedrest for a few weeks. Just like with J, it got to the point that she just had to be born. Luckily, Kensie didn't have the same breathing problems that her big brother had.
Kensington is a much different baby that Jonathan was. She is particular and fussy. She's not as fussy as she used to be, but she still is very particular. When she was a newborn, she would have several hours every night where she would scream and there was no consoling her. It was so annoying. I struggled with adjusting to two kids. J struggled with adjusting to having a sister. I felt so over-whelmed. Still do sometimes. There were times that I would think I made a huge mistake. But it's getting better.
Kensington is doing better, too. She is happier now and much more interactive. She seems to find being a baby to be boring. She tries to sit up all the time and gets mad because she can't. The Bumbo is her best friend. She is a spitter like her brother was and is a good night sleeper like he was...and still is. She naps terribly, but seems to be doing better on that front, too.
Jonathan is wonderful. He is my joy. He's funny and fun. He still adores him some choo-choos. He also loves Matchbox cars, dinosaurs, music, playing outside, the water, and books. He begs to go to the park daily. He is a typical two-year-old and has tantrums. He is being potty trained right now and is quite proud to be wearing big boy pants. J will not poop on the potty, though, and always goes in his pants. That frustrates the hell out of me. I tell him and tell him to use the potty and he just won't. It's so gross to clean poop up out of underwear. J still goes to music class and swim lessons. He will also be attending nursery school this fall and is psyched about that!
We are all looking forward to this summer. We have lots of plans. We're going to Door County, the Milwaukee Zoo, all of the local zoos and farms,
Day Out With Thomas, and lots more. It should be a blast.