Sunday, May 25, 2008

Holy crap!

And I mean that literally! J pooped on the potty this morning! He said to me, "I pooped." I replied, "You did?!" with dread and then checked his Pull-up. Nothing was there, so I put him on the potty and he went! I was so thrilled and almost took a picture. Cleaning the potty chair with poop inside? Beyond nasty. But to have poop in there to clean? Beyond wonderful.

J has gone three days now with no accidents. Well, he kinda had one tonight. We were at Noodles and Company (J's current favorite restaurant) and he told me he had to pee. When we got to the bathroom, there was a line. Of course, no one would let this poor kid go first (Bitches), so he peed in his Pull-up. I knew that it had just happened, too, cuz the wetness was warm. He still sat on the toilet, though, and peed a little. I didn't bring up the wet Pull-up and neither did he. I am so proud of my little man.

We have had a busy weekend and I am beat. I will write more tomorrow.

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