Thursday, August 21, 2008

Back to School Night

Tonight is Back to School Night at J's school. I am excited. I am excited for him to see his classroom, meet his teacher, locate the bathroom, visit the playground, etc. I've been working very hard on manners with him lately. I am trying to coach him to say, "Hi. My name is Jonathan Meyer." when he meets his teacher, but he is being a typical almost three-year-old. He won't do it. Hey, maybe he'll surprise me when the time comes.

J has his first day on the 28th (Chris and my 5th anniversary!). It is only orientation, though. I will attend with him. He officially starts on the 2nd of September. I am so nervous and so excited for him. He might cry. I most likely will cry. It's hard that my baby boy is growing up. Don't let him hear me call him a baby, though! Whenever I do, he tells me, "I not baby. I big boy." Yes, my love. You are a big, big boy, but you will always be my baby.

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