Friday, July 13, 2007

How does stuff like this happen?

Tragedy struck the area this morning. This has hit me hard. I guess cuz Ellie was so close in age to J. I just don't understand how this kind of thing happens. How do people not know where a small child is? How do they lose track of a toddler? Apparently, this happens a lot. About 4,000 kids a year are hit and injured or killed by a car backing up. That makes my head spin. I just don't understand it at all. My heart goes out to that family. They are in my prayers.

Not much to report on our front. Oh, I had my first puking morning sickness episode this afternoon. I never once vomited with J or came close to it. This baby has me nauseous, dry-heaving, and now puking. All I can say is that it had better be a girl. If this pregnancy continues to be this difficult, this will be the last baby I ever carry in my womb. J was a dream from conception. I wonder why this one is so different. I just hope it's not the sign of things to come with this child.

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