Friday, July 13, 2007

What does a 22-month-old do when told, "no"?

So, this afternoon, I'm on the computer. I know that's not shocking. I spend way too much time on the computer. Between BBC, Ebay, MySpace, and Gmail.....well, it's not pretty. Not to mention perusing all of the different store websites looking at fun stuff to buy. I have no money to buy anything, but I like to look anyway. If I go window shopping at a B&M, I tend to buy. If I do it online, I don't buy.

Anyway, I was on the computer. I think I was writing an email, but that's not relevant to the story. J was wandering around the downstairs. He was in the kitchen. I assumed he was in his cupboard. His new favorite thing is to go into his cupboard, announce "raisins", and take a box. At least he always closes the door after himself. He's trained better than his daddy. Instead he came back into the living room carrying an empty Minute Maid lemonade container. I let him keep it. (Bad, bad Mommy. In my defense, it was plastic, empty, and I was busy!) The next thing I know, he's lining empty Coke cans up on the coffee table. I was like, wtf! I took the cans from him and shut the gate to the kitchen. His response? Throw himself on the floor and scream, "Dada!".

Tonight I was tired and needed a break. After dinner, I went upstairs to relax. At one point, I could hear Chris scolding J for something. I think I heard him putting his Thomas trains in his mouth. (Again, bad parents. They say 3 & up for a reason, but he loves them.) Chris warned him to take the train out and J ignored him. So, Chris took the train away. J's response? Throw himself on the floor and scream, "Mommy!".

At least he's consistent.

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